Feed the Future monitors its performance in part by periodic assessments of a number of standardized indicators. These indicators reflect data collected through population-based surveys (PBS) in the geographic areas targeted by Feed the Future interventions, known as the Feed the Future Zones of Influence (ZOI). The objective of the Nepal Feed the Future program is to maximize the number of Nepalis lifted out of poverty and increase the number of children and women with improved nutritional status. This first interim assessment will provide the U.S. Government (USG) interagency partners, USAID BFS, USAID Missions, host country governments, and development partners with information about short-term progress of the ZOI indicators. The assessment is designed for use as a monitoring tool, and as such provides point estimates of the indicators with an acceptable level of statistical precision. For the interim survey, the FTF FEEDBACK team interviewed a total of 880 households in the ZOI. These households were spread across 44 clusters in the targeted districts, with a sample consisting of 20 households per cluster. The report of the survey including the complete questionnaire can be found in the reference pa00mm3r.pdf. Versions of the dataset in SAS, SPSS and STATA are available on request by sending an email to opendata@usaid.gov.
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Public: This dataset is intended for public access and use.
License: See this page for license information.
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Feed the Future Nepal Interim Survey in the Zone of Influence, Household File csvFeed the Future Nepal Interim Survey in the Zone of Influence: This dataset is a household-level file with records for each sampled household with a completed interview (n=838, variables=99). The file contains one record per household including data from Modules A, D, and F.
Feed the Future Nepal Interim Survey in the Zone of Influence,Household Members File csvFeed the Future Nepal Interim Survey in the Zone of Influence: This dataset is the household roster file with one record per household member captured in Module C of the questionnaire (n=4,002, vars=35).
Feed the Future: Nepal Interim Survey in the Zone of Influence, Women's File csvFeed the Future Nepal Interim Survey in the Zone of Influence: This dataset is the data for all women age 15-49 with a completed interview captured in Module H of the questionnaire (n=994, vars=137)
Feed the Future Nepal Interim Survey in the Zone of Influence, Children's File csvFeed the Future Nepal Interim Survey in the Zone of Influence: This dataset contains records for all children under 3 years of age (0-35 months) (n=229, vars=49) . This file includes data in Module I for children's consumption of the Nepal-specific nutrient rich value chain commodities (NRVCC)
Feed the Future Nepal Interim Survey in the Zone of Influence, Women's Empowerment in Agriculture Index-File 1 csvFeed the Future Nepal Interim Survey in the Zone of Influence: This dataset (n=800, var=163) is the first of two datasets needed to calculate the WEAI-related measures. It is a household-level file and contains the records for Module G data from the primary adult (18+) female decisionmaker within each household (for the sub-sample of households with a primary adult female decisionmaker).
Feed the Future: Nepal Interim Survey in the Zone of Influence, Women's Empowerment in Agriculture Index-Time Use File csvFeed the Future Nepal Interim Survey in the Zone of Influence: This dataset (n=14,400, vars=113) is the second of two datasets needed to calculate the WEAI-related measures. It includes the 24-hour time allocation data from Module G6, the time use module, and thus each respondent on Module G has multiple records, one for each of the 18 time use activities (800 respondents x 18 activities = 14,400 records.)
Feed the Future: Nepal Interim Survey in the Zone of Influence, Women's Empowerment in Agriculture Index-Recode File csvFeed the Future Nepal Interim Survey in the Zone of Influence: This dataset (n=800, vars=166) contains the analytical variables derived in the WEAI analysis.
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