Feed the Future Malawi Interim Survey in the Zone of Influence

Feed the Future monitors its performance in part by periodic assessments of a number of standardized indicators. These indicators reflect data collected through population-based surveys (PBS) in the geographic areas targeted by Feed the Future interventions, known as the Feed the Future Zones of Influence (ZOI). The Malawi ZOI interim assessment was conducted by FTF FEEDBACK in conjunction with its data collection partner, the National Statistical Office of Malawi (NSO), in the rural areas of the ZOI districts of Dedza, Lilongwe, Mangochi, Mchinji, and Ntcheu. FTF FEEDBACK and NSO interviewed 813 households and ICF International and CARD interviewed 208 households. A total of 1,021 households were interviewed, which provided data for the target sample size of 1,007 households and ensured the sample is representative of the seven districts covered in the interim assessment. The report of the survey including the commplete questionnaire can be found in the reference pa00mjmr.pdf. Versions of the dataset in SAS, SPSS and STATA are available on request by sending an email to opendata@usaid.gov.

Access & Use Information

Public: This dataset is intended for public access and use. License: See this page for license information.

Downloads & Resources

  • Feed the Future Malawi Interim Survey in the Zone of Influence, Household File csv
    Feed the Future Malawi Interim Survey in the Zone of Influence: This dataset is a household-level file with records for each sampled household with a completed interview (n=1,021, variables=90). The file includes variables from Modules A,D, and F as well as key household-level derived variables from the household dataset.
  • Feed the Future Malawi Interim Survey in the Zone of Influence,Household Members File csv
    Feed the Future Malawi Interim Survey in the Zone of Influence: This dataset is the household member roster file with one record per household member captured in Module C of the questionnaire (n=4,779, vars=36).
  • Feed the Future: Malawi Interim Survey in the Zone of Influence, Women's File csv
    Feed the Future Malawi Interim Survey in the Zone of Influence: This dataset is an individual -dataset with all women age 15-49 with a completed interview in Module H of the questionnaire (n=942, vars=75)
  • Feed the Future Malawi Interim Survey in the Zone of Influence, Children's File csv
    Feed the Future Malawi Interim Survey in the Zone of Influence: This dataset contains records for all children under 5 years of age in the sampled households (n=843, vars=120) . It includes data from Module I of the questionnaire for children's anthropometry and infant and young child feeding practices.
  • Feed the Future Malawi Interim Survey in the Zone of Influence, Women's Empowerment in Agriculture Index-File 1 csv
    Feed the Future Malawi Interim Survey in the Zone of Influence: This dataset (n=948, var=166) is the first of two datasets needed to calculate the WEAI-related measures. It contains Module G data from the primary adult (18+) female decisionmaker within each household (for the sub-sample of households with a primary adult female decisionmaker).
  • Feed the Future: Malawi Interim Survey in the Zone of Influence, Women's Empowerment in Agriculture Index-Time Use File csv
    Feed the Future Malawi Interim Survey in the Zone of Influence: This dataset (n=17,064, vars=117) is the second of two datasets needed to calculate the WEAI-related measures. It includes the 24-hour time allocation data from Module G6, the time use questionnaire, and thus each respondent on Module G has multiple records, one for each of the 18 time use activities (17,064 activities divided by 18 activities = 948 respondents with time use data in the file.)
  • Feed the Future: Malawi Interim Survey in the Zone of Influence, Women's Empowerment in Agriculture Index-Recode File csv
    Feed the Future Malawi Interim Survey in the Zone of Influence: This dataset (n=948, vars=168) contains the analytical variables derived in the WEAI analysis.
  • Feed the Future: Malawi Interim Survey in the Zone of Influence, Household Consumption Expenditures csv
    Feed the Future Malawi Interim Survey in the Zone of Influence: This dataset (n=1,021, vars=73) contains variables from Module E, the Household Consumption Expenditures module used to calculate the poverty and expenditure indicators. It includes household-level derived variables (including the expenditure and poverty indicator variables), as well as variables from sub-module E6:Housing Expenditures
  • Feed the Future: Malawi Interim Survey in the Zone of Influence, Food Consumption-Past 7 Days csv
    Feed the Future Malawi Interim Survey in the Zone of Influence: This dataset (n=115,373, vars=26) contains variables from Module E1, Food Consumption Over Past 7 Days. Each household with food consumption data has multiple records (for the 113 food items in sub-Module E1). (115,373 records divided by 113 food items =1,021 Module E households with sub-Module E1 data.)
  • Feed the Future: Malawi Interim Survey in the Zone of Influence, Non-Food Expenditures Over the Past 7 Days csv
    Feed the Future Malawi Interim Survey in the Zone of Influence: This dataset (n=10,210, vars=16) contains variables from sub-Module E2, Non-Food Expenditures over Past 7 Days. Each household with data for non-food expenditurs over the past week has multiple records (for the 10 non-food items in sub-Module E2) (10,210 records divided by 10 non-food items=1,021 Module E households with sub-Module E2 data.)
  • Feed the Future: Malawi Interim Survey in the Zone of Influence, Non-Food Expenditures Over Past One Month csv
    Feed the Future Malawi Interim Survey in the Zone of Influence: This dataset (n=26,546, vars=16) contains data from sub-Module E3: Non-Food Expenditures Over Past One Month. Each household with data for non-food expenditures over the past month has multiple records (for the 26 non-food items in sub-Module E3). (26,546 records divided by 26 non-food items = 1,021 Module E households with sub-Module E3 data.)
  • Feed the Future: Malawi Interim Survey in the Zone of Influence, Non-Food Expenditures Over Past Three Months csv
    Feed the Future Malawi Interim Survey in the Zone of Influence: This dataset (n=39,819, vars=16) contains data from sub-Module E4: Non-Food Expenditures Over Past Three Months. Each household with data for non-food expenditures over the past three months has multiple records (for the 39 non-food items in sub-Module E4). (39,819 records divided by 39 non-food items = 1,021 Module E households with sub-Module E4 data.)
  • Feed the Future: Malawi Interim Survey in the Zone of Influence, Non-Food Expenditures Over Past 12 Months csv
    Feed the Future Malawi Interim Survey in the Zone of Influence: This dataset (n=32,672, vars=16) contains data from sub-Module E5: Non-Food Expenditures Over Past 12 Months. Each household with data for non-food expenditures over the past 12 months has multiple records (for the 32 non-food items in sub-Module E5).
  • Feed the Future: Malawi Interim Survey in the Zone of Influence, Construction Expenditures Over Past 12 Months csv
    Feed the Future Malawi Interim Survey in the Zone of Influence: This dataset (n=2,250, vars=20) contain data from sub-Module E5 regarding non-food items that may or may not have been purchased (e.g., construction items such as wood poles and thatching grass). Each household with data for these 2-3 construction items over the past 12 months has multiple records
  • Feed the Future: Malawi Interim Survey in the Zone of Influence, Durable Goods Expenditures csv
    Feed the Future Malawi Interim Survey in the Zone of Influence: This dataset (n=31,651, vars=20) contains data from sub-Module E7: Durable Goods Expenditures. Each household with data for durable goods expenditures has multiple records (for the 31 durable goods in sub-Module E7). (31,651 records divided by 31 non-food items = 1,021 Module E households with sub-Module E7 data.)
  • Landing Page landing-page