USAID Supports Televised Discussions of Women’s Issues

USAID Supports Televised Discussions of Women’s Issues
The Regional Women’s Center Chairwoman and a Member of Parliament appear as experts on the show.
Anar Aslanov, Counterpart International

For Immediate Release

Tuesday, April 30, 2013
(+994 12) 498-18-35

A series of TV talk-shows with the title “What do Women Want?” is raising public awareness on discrimination against women and promoting women’s participation in political processes.

Broadcast on “Kepez” TV, a Ganja-based regional TV channel, which covers 25 regions of Azerbaijan, the program series of five talk-shows aired in January and February of 2013 was developed by the Ganja Regional Women’s Center and “Tomris” Mothers’ Union, both partners under the USAID-sponsored Women’s Participation Program (WPP). The TV talk-shows were aimed at raising public awareness on the Convention on Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) and promoting women’s political participation.

The talk-shows were dedicated to various women empowerment topics; including women’s leadership, women’s role in social and political life, and women’s participation in decision-making processes. Participants engaged in lively discussions touching on the multi-dimensional challenges confronting women as they balance women’s professional development, family and busy daily lives. Subject-matter experts included: psychologists, NGO leaders, university professors, students and others drawn from civil society in Ganja. 

Maleyka Alizadeh, Chairwoman of the Regional Women’s Center, praised the talk-shows: “These kinds of TV programs are giving civil society representatives an impetus for keeping the issues important to women on the public agenda.”

Chairwoman Alizadeh negotiated with a generous Kepez TV management, the latter promising to broadcast this program through the end of 2013 at no cost to the local women’s organizations.

One young Ganja NGO activist, Ayshen Akhmedova, emphasized the importance of continuing the “What do Women Want?” program series. “I was amazed and so happy to see young men and women discussing gender equality issues and challenges women encounter in our society, and delivering their messages to the public through the TV channel. It gives me cause for hope and belief that women’s problems will not be neglected in our country.”

The Women’s Participation Program, supported by USAID and implemented by Counterpart International, seeks to improve the socio-economic status of women in Azerbaijan by raising public awareness on issues that affect women, and by empowering more women to engage in political and decision making processes.