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Dr. Catherine Chan-Halbrendt, Chair of the Department of Natural Resource and Environmental Management, from the University of H
September 25, 2012

SEPTEMBER 25, 2012     The Agriculture University of Tirana (AUT) awarded today Dr. Catherine Chan-Halbrendt, Chair of the Department of Natural Resource and Environmental Management, from the University of Hawaii, the title of ‘Honoris Causa,’ the highest award in academia, for her work in support the school’s Faculty of Economy and Agribusiness. 

USAID Mission Director, Jim Barnhart and Minister of Tourism, Aldo Bumçi
September 20, 2012

SEPTEMBER 20, 2012     On Thursday, USAID, the Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports, and the Albanian Tourism Association (ATA) awarded gold, silver, and bronze Authentic Albania Quality Mark Awards to the seven tourism businesses participating in the USG-funded program – Albania’s first initiative to rate accommodation facilities.   Since the program began in 2011, 56 hotels have become paying members of the ATA, requested an assessment of their businesses, and been awarded the Quality Mark.  The program helps entrepreneurs set quality hotel standards that, in turn, furthers buil

Three people sign a document at an outdoor ceremony
September 17, 2012

Through the Development Credit Authority (DCA), USAID is increasing access to credit for agriculture and agribusinesses in Albania.  Through a $15 million agriculture loan agreement between USAID and two local banks, ProCredit and Banka Kombetare Tregtare (BKT), Albanian farmers and small and medium agricultural enterprises (SMEs) will be able to access credit more easily. 

USAID Signs Agreement with Albanian Banks to Encourage Agriculture Loans.
September 17, 2012

SEPTEMBER 17, 2012     Through the Development Credit Authority (DCA), USAID is increasing access to credit for agriculture and agribusinesses in Albania.  Through a $15 million agriculture loan agreement between USAID and two local banks, ProCredit and Banka Kombetare Tregtare (BKT), Albanian farmers and small and medium agricultural enterprises (SMEs) will be able to access credit more easily. 

Following the awards ceremony, USAID/Albania Mission Director, Jim Barnhart, visited olive oil processors
August 21, 2012

SEPTEMBER 21, 2012     Today, USAID Mission Director and Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Food, and Consumer Protection, Ndoc Fasllia, announced the winners of the 2012 olive oil tasting competition supported by USAID, with the assistance of the International Olive Council.  The ceremony was also an opportunity to announce the formation of Albania’s 1st official National Olive Oil Tasting Panel, made possible by six years of USAID-supported training in sensory testing. 
